Slutty Poems Night // April 2023

Prepare all your erogenous zones for another edition of Slutty Poems Night! This is a free event but donations are being collected to help fund dental care for the host’s wife, Autumn.

Featured poets Maya Nicole & Enjoli start the night off.

Bring your hoe shit for the open mic hosted by Kate Carey. If you’re too shy to share, feel free to shove something into our (anonymous confessions) box. Elayna Mae Darcy will be selling books &cute gay stickers.




This is a sex positive space that is not tolerant of any racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, fat shaming, slut shaming, or any general bigoted fuckery.

Accessibility Note: Event is upstairs. Stairs are a bit steep.
For more info on Autumn’s fundraiser visit the link here.


Maya Nicole

Hosted by Kate Carey.
Books & Art Vendor Elayna Mae Darcy.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Burger Wednesday is BACK y’all! Come slam some Smash Burgers (classic or vegan) every Wednesday for just $6!! Plus $3 PBR! Wednesdays, 4-11pm.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

One More Day On Earth Together, Vol. 3: A Reading Hosted by Kelly Xio

Gather | Transitive Verb + Adverb |to put your arms around someone and hold or carry them in a careful or loving way. 

One More Day On Earth Together is a gathering, a celebration of the present moment. Ask Alexa to play “I Was Here” by Beyonce and stand in the light emanating from each and every person whose love and existence defines you. It’s that feeling where everyone says you have to love yourself first but what if you learn by example? Love and be loved and be loved and love again.  Poetry as testament. Jenny Holzer said that we should savor kindness because cruelty is always possible later and yeah, it really be like that.




Sadie Dupuis
Geoff Rickley
Alina Pleskova
Hazel Avery
Aeon Ginsberg
Anna K Crooks

Hosted by Kelly Xio.
Flyer by Mark Plasma.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Burger Wednesday is BACK y’all! Come slam some Smash Burgers (classic or vegan) every Wednesday for just $6!! Plus $3 PBR! Wednesdays, 4-11pm.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South // March 2023

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems. The only rule is no snapping (it’s distracting to the readers).

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader is nat raum.

Read poems. Kick ass.




nat raum (b. 1996) is a queer disabled artist and writer from Baltimore, MD. they graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2018 with a BFA in photography and book arts, and they are currently a second-year MFA candidate in creative writing & publishing arts at the University of Baltimore, where they also serve as the managing editor for the school’s literary journal, Welter.

nat’s creative practice centers primarily upon their lived experience with loss and sexual trauma and subsequent C-PTSD diagnosis, often taking the form of small-edition image/text books and zines. after over four years of working with an art therapist, their work has become an integral part of their healing process. recent projects have focused on performative femininity, queer escapism, gender transition and its relationship to ego death, and intimacy in the digital era.

nat’s visual work has been exhibited at venues including the Museum of Human Achievement, ICA Baltimore, BlackRock Center for the Arts, and the Griffin Museum of Photography. past and upcoming publishers of their writing include Delicate Friend, trampset, perhappened, and corporeal lit. nat is the founder and editor-in-chief of fifth wheel press, a queer literature and art publishing space. they are also a member of the newly-revived Plork Press at UBalt.

Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book is forthcoming in 2023.



What’s Up at TMoms:

• Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

You Can’t Kill A Poet // March 2023

After a few months off, You Can’t Kill A Poet is back at it again! We’re bringing you phenomenal queer and trans poets from Philadelphia to share their work and fill the room with queer experience. Come join us for this rowdy, raucous, fun event full of feelings!

Mask-wearing is welcome. Please sit this one out if you are feeling sick.


DOORS @ 7:30PM + SHOW @ 8PM



Featuring readings by:

Janiel // @manroyallvr @queeribbean
aniel (she/they) is a queer, immigrant Jamaican-American, eldest daughter, writer, lover. Through her writing, she attempts to grasp at the root ideas, concepts, generational fears and the freedome of love and empathy. First, for their own understanding and second, to contribute to the human discourse in history-shaping. Poetry is their first step in a liberatory pursuit, each line is a crumb in what she hopes will become a full trail that reinforces the necessity of voice, of talking back, of feeling.

Karyn // @THEKuhren
Karyn is a poet, community builder, DJ, and all around creative. Hailing from the wonderful world of Brooklyn, poetik has spent most of her life writing, whether it may be poems, stories, essays, journal articles, or long Facebook statuses. Karyn self published collection of poems “Labyrinth of a Melaninated Being” and “seasoned bellows” in 2018 and 2020. Her poems often center Black womanhood, relationships, mental health, and sexuality.

Ari Villeda Martinez // @haunted.bodega
bio: Ari Villeda Martinez, Transgender / Pendeja / 5.10 / Fickle

Mary Zhou // @maryzzzhou
Mary Zhou (they/she) is a poet, dancer, and visual artist based in Philadelphia. Their poetry is shared or forthcoming in Oversound, ANMLY, and Philadelphia Poet Laureate Trapeta B. Mayson’s Healing Verse Poetry Line.

Gabriel Ramirez // @ramirezpoet
Gabriel Ramirez is a Queer Afro-Latinx poet and teaching artist. Gabriel has received fellowships from Palm Beach Poetry Festival, The Watering Hole, The Conversation Literary Arts Festival, CantoMundo, Miami Book Fair, and a participant in the Calloloo Writer’s Workshops. You can find his work in publications like The Volta, Split This Rock, VINYL, Acentos Review as well as Bettering American Poetry Anthology (Bettering Books 2017), What Saves Us: Poems of Empathy and Outrage in the Age of Trump (Northwest University Press 2019), and The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 4: LatiNEXT (Haymarket Press 2020). Follow Gabriel @RamirezPoet and

Elijah Faye // @jotunnme
Faye is a transsexual poet, and author of What Youth? who highlights the beauty in life while also addressing the hardships that come with it. Faye writes to inspire others to take power in their trauma and to show people that there is always a reason to keep living.


This reading is offered in partnership with the Free Library of Philadelphia with support from The Pennsylvania Department of Education.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Burger Wednesday is BACK y’all! Come slam some Smash Burgers (classic or vegan) every Wednesday for just $6!! Plus $3 PBR! Wednesdays, 4-11pm.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Slutty Poems Night

Prepare all your erogenous zones for another edition of Slutty Poems Night. This is a free event but donations are encouraged for Project SAFE, a local harm reduction organization.

Amy Jannotti slinks in to start the night as opener followed by an equally sexy feature set by Kate Carey.

Bring your hoe shit for the open mic hosted by the effervescent Elayna Mae Darcy. If you’re too shy to share, feel free to shove something into our (anonymous confessions) box.

Stevie Laney, erotic artist extraordinaire and founder of Very Magazine & Megan Sanders, the mental health art mom of Out of Practice Arts will both have wares available for sale.




This is a sex positive space that is not tolerant of any racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, fat shaming, slut shaming, or any general bigoted fuckery.

Doors @ 6PM, show @ 7PM (but prolly like a gay 7ish). Accessibility Note: Event is upstairs. Stairs are a bit steep. Must be 21+ with Valid ID.

TMoms + LoFi Aperitifs = L O V E ! Make sure to grab one of our specialty VDay cocktails during Slutty Poetry Night!

Valentine’s Cocktail Special: The Paper Heart

LoFi Amaro + tequila + Aperol + lime
2/14 & 2/15



What’s Up at TMoms:

Burger Wednesday is BACK y’all! Come slam some Smash Burgers (classic or vegan) every Wednesday for just $6!! Plus $3 PBR! Wednesdays, 4-11pm.

• All hail Pierogi Thursday! Munch and crunch on 75¢ pierogi (vegan, obvi) plus $3 cans of Tecate every Thursday!! And don’t forget ur toppingsThursdays, 4-11pm.

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Poetry and Jazz

Join us for an evening of poetry and jazz from local Philadelphian authors, musicians, and performers.

Join local Philly favorites for a night of poetry, jazz and improvisation. The uniquely American tradition of jazz poetry goes back generations, and it is still alive and well here in Philadelphia’s vibrant creative scenes. Admission is free! Enjoy a drink, listen to some healing sounds, and stick around for the open mic portion at the end of the night. You won’t want to miss it!

Hosted by Lindsay Hargrave.




Sekai’afua Zankel – poet with musical accompaniment
Oarsman – music and poetry improvisation group featuring:
Pete Dennis – bass
Luca Farrell – keyboard
Lindsay Hargrave – poetry
Salina Kuo – found percussion
Elliott Levin – poet, saxophone and flute
Warren Longmire – jazz poet



What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South

All poets are welcome at this Scibes on South poetry open mic and community event.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems. The only rule is no snapping (it’s distracting to the readers).

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader is Damian Rucci, an eclectic bombast working-class hero poet from Jersey.

Read poems. Kick ass.




Damian Rucci is the unofficial poet laureate of every 711 in New Jersey. His work has recently appeared on gas station bathroom stalls throughout the Midwest. He is probably banned from your local bar but you can find him on Twitter @damianrucci or at [email protected].

Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book is forthcoming in 2023.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Choose Your Own Beginning: Book Launch Party

Come celebrate the launch of CHOOSE YOUR OWN BEGINNING (Be About It Press) with an evening of poetry at Tattooed Mom! The event will feature readings by local poets Violet Gehringer, Warren C. Longmire, Nicole Steinberg, Alison Lubar, and Amy Saul-Zerby.

Copies of the book will be available for purchase.




Praise for Choose Your Own Beginning:

“Amy Saul-Zerby’s language is direct, beautifully clipped—a terseness that poem after poem swells into an expansive reckoning with depression, love, and, of course, the self. Insight, here, is hard-won. These memorable poems ripple with intimacies and linguistic pleasures. They will stay with you.”
– Eduardo C. Corral, author of Guillotine


“Amy Saul-Zerby’s unforgettable new collection is revelatory in its frankness and sexy in its cool detachment. Hungry, seductive, confessional, pithy, the intimacy of these poems is bracing and gorgeous.”
– Richie Hofmann, author of A Hundred Lovers


“Choose Your Own Beginning is a collection of beauty, devastation, and deep resilience resonating through every poem.”
– Ariel Francisco, author of Under Capitalism If Your Head Aches They Just Yank Off Your Head


Tattooed Mom will be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.
Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

You Can’t Kill A Poet // November 2022

It’s the last You Can’t Kill a Poet of 2022! What a joy to have come back and shared queer space with ya’ll this year. It’s going to be a good one!

Featuring an amazing list of queer and trans readers, including Quinn Rodriguez, Mónica Gomery, Raena Shirali, Alina Pleskova, Cam Simmons, Boston Gordon, Kareal Amenumey, and Monica Huang! Mónica Gomery has a brand new book out this month, Might Kindred, and Raena Shirali also has a brand new book out, Summonings!

Come celebrate these new books and ALL of our readers amazing work! Masks encouraged!


DOORS @ 7:30PM + SHOW @ 8PM



Tattooed Mom will be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.
Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.


hey, poets, writers, and lovers of bullshit! come hang at tmoms for the first-ever BULLSHIT LIT poetry reading + quadruple book release party! four featured poets + an open mic to follow + BS books for sale. helllllllllll yeah.


DOORS @ 6PM + SHOW @ 7-9PM


Lauren Theresa
Lucas Restivo
Juliet Gelfman-Randazzo
Amy Jannotti


Tattooed Mom will be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.
Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.