Alexandra Naughton is back in Philly for the wedding of her first ex-boyfriend. Join her, and three other amazingly talented poets and writers, as they attempt to make sense of this thing called Being-An-Adult through live readings of their work. One night only!
50¢ pierogi until 10pm
Half off all drafts 5-7 & 10-11pm
Shy Watson is a poet, bartender, & painter currently living in Philadelphia. She is the author of AWAY STATUS (Bottlecap Press 2016) & my parents were going to give me your name if i was born a boy (Bottlecap Press 2017).
Amy Saul-Zerby is a Philadelphia-based poet. Her first collection, Paper Flowers Imaginary Birds, was published by Be About It Press in 2017. Her writing has also appeared in TheNewerYork, Painted Bride Quarterly, Spy Kids Review, and The YOLO Pages, and she is managing editor of the spoken word-based publication Voicemail Poems & multimedia editor of APIARY Magazine.
Alexandra Naughton is turning 32 this year and doesn’t believe she will ever settle down or be a homeowner. Regardless, she is living her best literary life and wants to share some work with you. You should humor her.
P.E. Garcia is an editor-at-large at the Rumpus and a contributor to HTMLGiant. They have a good dog.