Accidental Player is back at TMOMs for an exciting night of readings, featuring Jeff Alessandrelli, Warren C. Longmire, Jeff T. Johnson, Christy Davids, and Marissa Johnson-Valenzuela.
Doors 7pm // Readings 8pm
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Stone the Crows is all about surprises. Talk about weather with scrub jays, and listen to some prose and poetry and prettiness and putridity with a handful of writerly pups. Hang out with Meow Meow Pow Pow and HOOT Review, as well as poets and prose-r-s ™ as they read selections from their dope collections and scrounge up some trouble. Drink half priced drafts & grab some free literary goodies!
Readings by these miraculous and wonderful people:
Brian Alan Ellis
Bud Smith
Amy Saul-Zerby
Cassandra Panek
Jane-Rebecca Cannarella
Benjamin DeVos
Angelo Colavita
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your literary pals!
Celebrate the release of Erin Dorney’s debut collection, “I Am Not Famous Anymore: Poems after Shia LaBeouf,” with poetry, pierogi, and pints!
Presented by Mason Jar Press
Hosted by Jaime Fountaine
Readings by Jim Warner, Gina Myers, & Erin Dorney
Available now from Mason Jar Press, Erin Dorney’s debut is a collection of erasure poems sourced from media interviews with Shia LaBeouf. Erasure is a form of poetry created by erasing words from an existing text and framing the result on the page as a poem. The poems in “I Am Not Famous Anymore” are sourced from interviews published in Rolling Stone, Dazed, GQ, The Guardian, The New York Times, Playboy, and Cosmo Girl, among other publications.

Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Nasty! is a charity anthology benefiting Planned Parenthood showcasing stories that range from body positivity, to sexual empowerment, to overcoming adversity and beyond. This FREE live event will feature readings from the following authors:
Tara Dublin
Julie Rea
Eleanor R, Model
Jennifer Robin
Diana Kirk
Violet LeVoit
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Jeremy M. Brownlowe travels the country under the moniker “Typewriter Troubadour,” composing original pieces of poetry on a manual typewriter for curious pedestrians. This event marks the release of his debut, Angels of the Underground, a collection of rich, raw, and tender poems from an explorer navigating new frontiers of gender identity, sexuality, and human relationship.
Set in New York City, Angels offers Brownlowe’s unique perspective as a trans guy through unflinching portraits of male vulnerability, queerness, addiction, lost love, and modern alienation. With humor, grit, and ease, Brownlowe weaves stories of the neglected subjects of the City, taking notes in poems, which he offers up to us in this compelling collection.
This event will also feature readings by local Philadelphia poets:
Author Cashmere
Amber Renee
Cynthia Jones
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your friends!
Join us for Breadcrumbs’ first Philly reading! It should be a fantastic night of poetry, prose, and drinks! We’ll have copies of our new zine, The Path, on sale, alongside some t-shirts and posters.
Performers Include:
Josh Dale
Bob Raymonda
Maddie Anthes
Christopher D. Diccico
Richelle Ko
Nicholas Perilli
Gabriela Basyuk
Boston Gordon
Lilith Kulp
Gage Mondok
Breadcrumbs Mag is an online literary & arts blog that acts as an exercise in motivation and shared inspiration, a chance to create when otherwise your professional life might not give you reason to, an outlet to plant the seeds of an idea and watch where they can go — through your own mind or someone else’s.
Enjoy half off all drafts before and after the event from 5-7pm and 10-11pm.
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your literary friends!
Shy Watson is stopping by for a reading of her new book, Cheap Yellow! She will be joined by other local poets & will have copies of the book available for sale!
Shy’s poems are abruptly smart, a little violent, devious and ongoing, legendary, mythic, not prosey though a little like the voice of god if god decided to speak more collectively for a while. Shy’s poems to me are so so worth it.
And they are crafty – also like god.
—Eileen Myles, author of Afterglow
Amy Saul-Zerby
Prairie M. Faul
Zach Blackwood
Ash Strange
Ted Tarnovski
Shy Watson
Enjoy this event with our Burger Wednesday specials:
$4 Burgers
$2 Narragansett Lager Tall Boys
Half off all drafts 5-7 and 10-11pm
& check out May’s Burger of the Month, DUDES: friend green tomato, crisp red cabbage & apple slaw, and smokey red pepper mayo
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
John O. Mason presents an evening of literature with local Philly poets Frank Sherlock and Irving Jones.
Frank Sherlock is the author of Life Is to Blame for Everything, Space Between These Lines Not Dedicated, Over Here, The City Real & Imagined (w/ CAConrad) and a collaboration with Brett Evans entitled Ready-to-Eat Individual. Poems beyond the page have found their forms in installations/performances/exhibitions, including Organize Your Own: The Politics & Poetics of Self-Determination. He is a 2013 Pew Fellow and 2014-15 Poet Laureate of Philadelphia.
John O. Mason will have copies of his anthology, All Of The Above, along with two other poetry volumes.
$4 Hamburgers & Vegan Burgers until midnight
$2 Narragansett Lager Tall Boys all day
Half off all drafts 5-7 & 10-11pm
The last Accidental Player of 2017 brings Cynthia Dewi Oka, Scott Daughtridge, Sham-e-Ali Nayeem & Emma Brown Sanders together for your listening pleasure!
Doors open at 7pm and the readings start at 8pm
FREE admission!
50¢ pierogi until 10pm
Half off all drafts 5-7 & 10-11pm
Thirty West Presents returns for an evening of poetry and live readings by local Philadelphia authors. Plus, a live art raffle will take place between readings. $3/ticket for your chance to WIN!
Zach Blackwood
Amy Saul-Zerby
Kat Malozovsky
An EARLY BIRD SPECIAL sale of West’s “HEAD”, as well as art prints & Thirty West merch, will be available for purchase. Standard & limited editions of published works and trading cards will be on hand at this event.
50¢ pierogi until 10pm
Half off all drafts 5-7 & 10-11pm