Scribes on South // August 2023

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems.

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader is Audrey Lee.

Read poems. Kick ass.




Audrey Lee is the author of the poetry collections “Disjecta Membra” (Bottlecap Press, 2022) and “Probably, Angels” (Maverick Duck Press, 2020). She holds a double B.A. in creative writing and American studies from Franklin & Marshall College. She is the winner of the 2020 Jerome Irving Bank Short Story Prize, received a Best of the Net nomination from Drunk Monkeys, has been featured on BBC Radio 4’s “The Poetry Detective” show, and is a former writing resident at Sundress Academy for the Arts. Her work has been featured in or is forthcoming from Wax Nine, Necessary Fiction, Back Patio Press, and she writes her newsletter “Very Normal Girl” on Substack. She lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book What I Do In The Dark was released in 2023, and the book launch was celebrated at the April Scribes on South event.


Follow @scribesonsouth on Instagram.


What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South // July 2023

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems.

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader are Warren Longmire & Thalia Geiger.

Read poems. Kick ass.




Warren C. Longmire is an uncle, writer, performer and educator from the bad part of Philadelphia. He is the host of House Poet: A Spoken Word Dance Party and mix_lit. Warren’s words have been published in journals including Cartridge Lit, The Cleveland Review of Books, The American Poetry Review. He was featured in the Best American Poetry 2021 selected by Tracey K. Smith. His latest book, Bird/Diz [an erased history of bebop] was released in Nov. 2022 through BUNNY Presse.

Thalia Geiger is a poet, fiction writer, and editor born and raised in Philadelphia where she works from home as an agent for Publishizer, as well as a poetry editor for West Trade Review. Her varying pieces have been published in journals such as Pamplemousse, Toho Publishing’s The Best Short Stories of Philadelphia Anthology, Allegory Ridge, Santa Ana River Review, New York Quarterly, and more. You can catch up with her on her website,


Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book What I Do In The Dark was released in 2023, and the book launch was celebrated at the April Scribes on South event.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South // June 2023

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems.

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader is Amy Jannotti.

Read poems. Kick ass.




Amy Jannotti (she/her) is a pile of dust in a trenchcoat rotting & writing in Philadelphia. She is the author of the chapbooks AN ANGEL IS A KIND OF GHOST (2022, Bullshit Lit), VULGARSWEET (2023, GutSlut Press), and the one we are gathering to celebrate, ANGELS & INSECTS ARE CREATURE WITH WINGS (2023, Kith Books). Her poems can be found in Olney Magazine, Black Stone / White Stone, Non.Plus Lit, & elsewhere. She tweets @cursetheground.

Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book What I Do In The Dark was released in 2023, and the book launch was celebrated at the April Scribes on South event.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Lauren Hilger’s Morality Play: A Poetry Reading

“Lauren Hilger’s Morality Play is a dance lesson in duality, when duality is multiplied, of what was, what is, real and imagined. A disquieting reassuring look at how we see who we were, Hilger’s visions feel like past and future encouragement. An all-knowing theatre performance. I found myself unable to shake one of the opening lines, “I know how to live my life now.” Because by the end of the book, I feel I do too.” —Shauna Barbosa




Readers include:

Jiordan Castle is the author of Disappearing Act, a memoir-in-verse, as well as the poetry chapbook All His Breakable Things. Her work has appeared in HuffPost, The New Yorker, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. She is a contributor to the food and culture magazine Compound Butter. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and their dog.

Kay Cosgrove is the author of Anybody Home?, forthcoming in August 2023 from Blue Edge Books. She is the recipient of awards from The Academy of American Poets, Inprint Houston, and The Westchester Review and her poetry has appeared in The Southern Review, The Missouri Review, the American Poetry Review Review and elsewhere.

Alex Santiago is a poet, spoken word, rapper currently residing in Philadelphia, PA.

Lauren Hilger is the author of Morality Play (Poetry NW Editions, 2022). Named a Nadya Aisenberg Fellow from MacDowell, her work has appeared in BOMB, Harvard Review, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. She serves as a poetry editor for No Tokens.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South // May 2023

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems.

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader is Lindsay Hargrave.

Read poems. Kick ass.




Follow Lindsay Hargrave in these places:
ROT // // Twitter // GV // Poetry Selection #1 // Poetry Selection #2

Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book What I Do In The Dark was released in 2023, and the book launch was celebrated at the April Scribes on South event.


What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South // “What I Do In The Dark” Book Launch

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems.

This reading is something a little different—this will be the book launch for Noah David Robert‘s newest book, What I Do in the Dark, described as a “lovesick balloon” by Amy Jannotti and a “collection from one of Philadelphia’s best emerging poets” by Lindsay Hargrave. The book is published by Alien Buddha press. Come out for the launch party and open mic!

Roberts will read for a 15 minute featured set and then host an open mic.

Read poems. Kick ass.




Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia, PA. Roberts has
released 4 collections: Us v. Them, 2017, about the nature of sexual trauma and political
violence; Strips, a divagation of the self, an endless ranting masterpiece; Slime Thing [and other
poems], a scream of anti-capitalism and stream of frustrated proletariat consciousness; Final
Girl Mythos, inspired by classic 80s and 90s slasher movies; and What I Do in the Dark,
forthcoming 2023. Since publication of their first book, Roberts has been published in Big
Scream, King’s River Review, Tribes Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash, and more. In 2022,
Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry contest. Their Instagram handle is @the.apocalypse.poet.



What’s Up at TMoms:

It’s Philly Vegan Restaurant Week! Tutu Mary’s has some very special menu items for us, changing all week long! Come back multiple times so you can eat the whole menu!

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South // March 2023

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems. The only rule is no snapping (it’s distracting to the readers).

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader is nat raum.

Read poems. Kick ass.




nat raum (b. 1996) is a queer disabled artist and writer from Baltimore, MD. they graduated from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2018 with a BFA in photography and book arts, and they are currently a second-year MFA candidate in creative writing & publishing arts at the University of Baltimore, where they also serve as the managing editor for the school’s literary journal, Welter.

nat’s creative practice centers primarily upon their lived experience with loss and sexual trauma and subsequent C-PTSD diagnosis, often taking the form of small-edition image/text books and zines. after over four years of working with an art therapist, their work has become an integral part of their healing process. recent projects have focused on performative femininity, queer escapism, gender transition and its relationship to ego death, and intimacy in the digital era.

nat’s visual work has been exhibited at venues including the Museum of Human Achievement, ICA Baltimore, BlackRock Center for the Arts, and the Griffin Museum of Photography. past and upcoming publishers of their writing include Delicate Friend, trampset, perhappened, and corporeal lit. nat is the founder and editor-in-chief of fifth wheel press, a queer literature and art publishing space. they are also a member of the newly-revived Plork Press at UBalt.

Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book is forthcoming in 2023.



What’s Up at TMoms:

• Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

Scribes on South

All poets are welcome at this Scibes on South poetry open mic and community event.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH is a poetry reading and open mic. The reading begins with a 20-minute featured reader and then moves through the open mic list for the rest of the night. Open mic readers have 5 minutes. There will be a space for poets to sell books.

SCRIBES ON SOUTH seeks to create community through poetry. Show out, share, and meet some new friends by sharing your work!

There is no theme; the only theme is poems. Good poems, bad poems, boring poems, fiery poems. The only rule is no snapping (it’s distracting to the readers).

The reading is hosted by Noah David Roberts.
This reading’s featured reader is Damian Rucci, an eclectic bombast working-class hero poet from Jersey.

Read poems. Kick ass.




Damian Rucci is the unofficial poet laureate of every 711 in New Jersey. His work has recently appeared on gas station bathroom stalls throughout the Midwest. He is probably banned from your local bar but you can find him on Twitter @damianrucci or at [email protected].

Noah David Roberts is a non-binary poet and artist based in Philadelphia. They are the author of 4 books of poetry—Us V. Them, Strips, Slime Thing [and other poems], and Final Girl Mythos. In 2022, Roberts won the Judith Stark poetry writing contest. Their 5th book is forthcoming in 2023.



What’s Up at TMoms:

Craft Sundays at TMoms? BACK. Googly eyes? BACK. Coloring pages? BACK? Your creative spirit? BACK. Come thru every Sunday for FREE arts & crafts upstairs and downstairs at Tattooed Mom! Sundays, All Day Long.

• Enjoy our new happy hour! All drafts are just $4 every day from 4-6pm!

• Tattooed Mom will also be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.

• Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.

“Summonings” Launch Party

Join local poet Raena Shirali and friends to celebrate the launch of summonings with a night of poetry and art at Tattooed Mom, presented by Black Lawrence Press!

summonings investigates the ongoing practice of witch (“daayan”) hunting in India. These poems explore how antiquated and existing norms surrounding female mysticism in India and America inform each culture’s treatment of women, concepts that will be in conversation with the rest of the work from this incredible lineup of compelling Philadelphia poets.

In addition to readings from this collection and the work of Emma Brown Sanders, Cindy Arrieu-King, Kathy Fagan, Kim Gek Lin Short, and Alina Pleskova, the night will feature paintings by Brooklyn based artist Meera Dugal. All together, it will be a night of delicious drinks, tasty bites, and riveting art at a Philadelphia institution.




Raena Shirali
Ebs Brown Sanders
Kim Gek Lin Short
Cindy Arrieu-King
Alina Pleskova

With artwork by Meera Dugal


Tattooed Mom will be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.
Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.


hey, poets, writers, and lovers of bullshit! come hang at tmoms for the first-ever BULLSHIT LIT poetry reading + quadruple book release party! four featured poets + an open mic to follow + BS books for sale. helllllllllll yeah.


DOORS @ 6PM + SHOW @ 7-9PM


Lauren Theresa
Lucas Restivo
Juliet Gelfman-Randazzo
Amy Jannotti


Tattooed Mom will be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.
Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.