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April 2019
Tire Fire Presents: Butler, Sanders, Carle, & Holguin
Our February reading was so great that we had to take March off, but we’re back in April with readings from Halle Butler, Justin Sanders, K.B. Carle, and Lauren Holguin.
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, we’re collecting donations for Prevention Point Philadelphia, a private nonprofit organization providing harm reduction services to Philadelphia and the surrounding area. For over 20 years they have been the City of Philadelphia’s only legal syringe exchange program, but their work also includes HIV/HCV testing, case management, free medical clinics, HCV confirmatories, and referrals to inpatient, outpatient and detox programs, food, clothing and shelter and identification.
Accessibility Note: Reading is upstairs and non-bumper car seating is limited, and tends to be first-come, first-serve. If you need assistance or accommodations, please let us know.
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Find out more »May 2019
Tire Fire Presents: Washuta, Mathieu, Shirali, & Stone
Guess what guess what guess what guess what? TireFire Readings is going big before we break for the summer with readings from Elissa Washuta, Irène Mathieu, Raena Shirali, & Nomi Stone.
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, all donations will go to PA Adapt, “a grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
July 2019
The Mason Jar Press: Novella Tour Kick-Off!
The Mason Jar Press Novella series is coming out Tuesday, July 16th, and we’re celebrating their release with a tour kick-off at Tattooed Mom!
Celebrate the release of three novellas from three amazing writers: The Couples by Nicole Callihan, Manhunt by Jaime Fountaine (host of the popular TMOMs literary series Tire Fire), and All Friends are Necessary by Tomas Moniz (all Mason Jar Press, 2019). Chosen during an open submission period out of hundreds of submissions, these thematically linked pieces speak to one another while containing a strength and style all their own.
THE COUPLES, by Nicole Callihan, finds the protagonist at a crossroads in her marriage and her family life, remembering and reexperiencing her first relationship and all the damage her youth imparted upon her.
Tomas Moniz’s ALL FRIENDS ARE NECESSARY follows a young man in San Francisco as he navigates love, addiction, and the struggles of early adulthood on his way to maturity and independence.
In Jaime Fountaine’s MANHUNT, a girl spends the summer she’s thirteen negotiating a place for herself in her body, her neighborhood, her family, and the world.
You can purchase these titles from Mason Jar Press.
Mason Jar Press is an independent press based out of beautiful Baltimore, MD. They specialize in full-length publications and handmade, limited edition chapbooks by established as well as emerging writers. If you enjoy strong, straight-forward poetry and prose that’s just a little off, then they’ve got something for you.
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Find out more »September 2019
Tire Fire Presents: Etter, Grass, Garcia, & Gonzalez
FRIENDS, IT’S TIME. (Or well, it will be.) TIRE FIRE IS BACK!
It is our GREAT HONOR to celebrate Sarah Rose Etter‘s THE BOOK OF X, and Berry Grass‘s HALL OF WATERS, with the help of P.E. Garcia and Chris Gonzalez. Bask in the glory from a bumper car!
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, they’ll be raising funds for the Women’s Medical Fund, who protects and expands abortion access for low-income folks through direct service and advocacy. “We support those living in poverty who need abortion care today by providing counseling and emergency financial assistance. We support people in the future by working to expand and equalize access to abortion through lifting the insurance bans and eliminating other barriers.”
Accessibility Note: Reading is upstairs and non-bumper car seating is limited, and tends to be first-come, first-serve. If you need assistance or accommodations, please let us know.
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Find out more »October 2019
Tire Fire Presents: Barton, Brown, & Valente
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, Tire Fire is raising money for The Attic Youth Center, “the only organization in Philadelphia exclusively serving lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth. The Attic’s goal is to reduce the isolation felt by LGBTQ youth by providing a sense of community and developing programs and services to counteract the prejudice and oppression that LGBTQ youth often face. All Attic programming is based on a youth development model and aims to build community, reduce isolation, combat homophobia, promote knowledge and life skills, and develop future leaders.”
Accessibility Note: Reading is upstairs and non-bumper car seating is limited, and tends to be first-come, first-serve. If you need assistance or accommodations, please let us know.
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Find out more »November 2019
Tire Fire Presents: Austin, Older, Jacobs, & Mendelsohn
The end of 2019 is closing in, but we’ve got one more Tire Fire before the holidays! Join us for readings from Ron Austin, Malka Older, Simon Jacobs, and Tyler Mendelsohn on Thursday, November 21st at Tattooed Mom!
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, we’ll be supporting one of our favorite causes, the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund, who posts bail for residents of Philadelphia who cannot afford to pay bail and works to bring to light to the inequities of the use of cash bail in Philadelphia and to advocate for the abolition of bail and pretrial detention in our city.
Accessibility Note: Reading is upstairs and non-bumper car seating is limited, and tends to be first-come, first-serve. If you need assistance or accommodations, please let us know.
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
January 2020
Tire Fire Presents: Chau, Housley, McShea, & Jefferson
Tire Fire is starting 2020 off right — a few weeks in, amongst friends, with fried potatoes. Join us for readings from Bonnie Chau, Dave Housley, Megan McShea, & Cija A. Jefferson.
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, we’ll be raising money for Spiral Q — an organization that “lives at the intersection of arts and social justice. Established in 1996, Spiral Q uses popular arts (parades, print, pageantry, puppets) to build an urban arts democracy rooted in principles of accessibility, inclusion, self-determination, collaboration, sustainability, and life long learning.”
Accessibility Note: Reading is upstairs and non-bumper car seating is limited, and tends to be first-come, first-serve. If you need assistance or accommodations, please let us know.
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
Find out more »February 2020
Tire Fire Presents: Sparks, Campbell, & Graham
We’ve got a very special BURGER WEDNESDAY Tire Fire Readings for February, with our dear friends Amber Sparks, Tara Campbell, and Chelsea Graham.
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, we’ll be donating our $ to the Women’s Medical Fund, who protects and expands abortion access for low-income folks through direct service and advocacy. “We support those living in poverty who need abortion care today by providing counseling and emergency financial assistance. We support people in the future by working to expand and equalize access to abortion through lifting the insurance bans and eliminating other barriers.”
Accessibility Note: Reading is upstairs and non-bumper car seating is limited, and tends to be first-come, first-serve. If you need assistance or accommodations, please let us know.
Enjoy this event with our Burger Wednesday specials:
$4 Mom’s Beef Burgers & Mom’s Vegan Burgers
$2 Narragansett Lager Tall Boys
a special Burger of the Month
& half price drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
March 2022
Tire Fire & Mason Jar Press Present: AWP Offsite Reading
TIRE FIRE in conjunction with our dear friends MASON JAR PRESS presents our first reading in TWO YEARS, which just so happens to coincide with AWP. How convenient! TIRE FIRE is finally back home, upstairs at beautiful Tattooed Moms, with four incredible readers!
Thursday, March 24th
Tattooed Mom will be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.
Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.
Note: At this time, proof of vaccination is also required for entry.
SARA LIPPMANN is the author of the story collections JERKS (Mason Jar Press, 2022) and Doll Palace (Dock Street Press), long-listed for the 2015 Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award. She was awarded an artist’s fellowship in fiction from New York Foundation for the Arts, and her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Millions, Fourth Genre, Slice Magazine, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Diagram, Squalorly and elsewhere. She’s landed on Wigleaf’s Top 50, and her stories have been anthologized in Mamas and Papas: On the Sublime and Heartbreaking Art of Parenting (San Diego City Works Press) and forthcoming in New Voices: Contemporary Voices Confronting the Holocaust (Blue Lyra Press) and Best Small Fictions 2020 (Sonder Press). Raised outside of Philadelphia, she teaches in Brooklyn where she lives with her family and co-hosts the Sunday Salon NYC. Find her on Twitter: @saralippmann.
MIKE INGRAM’s stories and essays have appeared in publications including The North American Review, The Smart Set, EPOCH, and Medium’s Human Parts. He lives in Philadelphia, where he is an associate professor in the English department at Temple University, and co-host of the Book Fight podcast. He’s also a founding editor of Barrelhouse Magazine, and currently serves as its books editor. He usually co-hosts Tire Fire, but he’s got a BOOK OUT, Notes From the Road (Awst 2022), and we wanted to show him off. You can find him on Instagram and/or Twitter: @mikeingram00 / @mikeingram00.
CHRISTOPHER GONZALEZ is the author of I’M NOT HUNGRY BUT I COULD EAT (SFWP, 2021) and a co-fiction editor of Barrelhouse Magazine. His writing has appeared in The Nation, Split Lip, Cosmonauts Avenue, Best Small Fictions, Forward: 21st Century Flash Fiction, and elsewhere. Raised in Cleveland, he now lives in Brooklyn, NY and spends his waking hours tweeting about Oscar Isaac, book publishing, trash television, and Popeyes’ Spicy Chicken Sandwich. You can find him on Instagram and/or Twitter: @livesinpages / @livesinpages.
MONICA PRINCE teaches activist and performance writing at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania. She is the author of How to Exterminate the Black Woman: A Choreopoem ([PANK], 2020), Instructions for Temporary Survival (Red Mountain Press, 2019), and Letters from the Other Woman (Grey Book Press, 2018). She is the managing editor of the SFWP Quarterly, and the co-author of the suffrage play, Pageant of Agitating Women, with Anna Andes. Her work appears in Wildness, The Missouri Review, The Texas Review, The Rumpus, MadCap Review, American Poetry Journal, and elsewhere. You can find her on Instagram and/or Twitter: @poetic_moni / @poetic_moni.
Since we know traveling to Philadelphia and buying a million new books (and don’t even get us started on actually registering for a conference!) is costly, instead of taking up our usual collection, we encourage you to donate a few spare bucks or a hand to your local mutual aid groups when you’re able.
Find out more »October 2022
Tire Fire Presents: Difrancesco, Longmire, & VandeZande
WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER TIRE FIRE! We know, we know, it’s been too long since you plopped down in a bumper car at Tattooed Mom and ate tots at one of your favorite writers. Why not remedy that by joining us on a rare Monday night for readings from local treasure WARREN C. LONGMIRE, visiting favorite ZACH VANDEZANDE, and, brand new to Philly, the great ALEX DIFRANCESCO!
DOORS @ 6:30PM + SHOW @ 7PM
Tattooed Mom will be serving tasty eats and ice cold drinks all evening.
Upstairs dining, bar access, and event entry is 21+ w/ valid ID.