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Tire Fire Presents: Washuta, Mathieu, Shirali, & Stone

Guess what guess what guess what guess what? TireFire Readings is going big before we break for the summer with readings from Elissa Washuta, Irène Mathieu, Raena Shirali, & Nomi Stone.
Doors 7 // Reading 8
This month, all donations will go to PA Adapt, “a grass-roots community that organizes disability rights activists to engage in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, to assure the civil and human rights of people with disabilities to live in freedom in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”
Enjoy this event with our Pierogi Thursday specials:
50¢ pierogi from noon-10pm
& half off all drafts 5-7pm and 10-11pm
Join the Facebook Event and invite all your pals!
ELISSA WASHUTA is a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and a writer of personal essays and memoir. She is the author of two books, Starvation Mode and My Body Is a Book of Rules, named a finalist for the Washington State Book Award. With Theresa Warburton, she is co-editor of the anthology Exquisite Vessel: Shapes of Native Nonfiction, forthcoming from University of Washington Press. She has received fellowships and awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, Artist Trust, 4Culture, Potlatch Fund, and Hugo House. Elissa is an assistant professor of English at the Ohio State University.
IRÉNE MATHIEU is a pediatrician and writer. She is the author of Grand Marronage (Switchback Books, 2019), orogeny (Trembling Pillow Press, 2017), and the galaxy of origins (dancing girl press, 2014). Irène is on the editorial boards of Muzzle Magazine and the Journal of General Internal Medicine’s humanities section. A member of Jack Jones Literary Arts’ speakers’ bureau, she has received Fulbright and Callaloo fellowships
RAENA SHIRALI is the author of GILT (YesYes Books, 2017). Her honors include a 2016 Pushcart Prize, the 2016 Cosmonauts Avenue Poetry Prize, the 2014 Gulf Coast Poetry Prize, & a “Discovery”/Boston Review Poetry Prize in 2013. She has also been recognized as a finalist for the 2016 Tupelo Quarterly Poetry Prize & a 2014 Ruth Lilly Fellowship. Her poems & reviews have appeared in Blackbird, Ninth Letter, Crazyhorse, Indiana Review, Pleiades, Four Way Review, & elsewhere. Born in Houston, Texas, the Indian American poet earned her MFA from The Ohio State University. She recently completed the Philip Roth Residency at Bucknell University’s Stadler Center for Poetry, & currently serves as a poetry reader for Muzzle Magazine.
NOMI STONE is a poet, anthropologist, and author of a previous book of poems, Stranger’s Notebook (TriQuarterly, 2008). Winner of a 2018 Pushcart Prize, Stone’s poems appear recently in POETRY Magazine, American Poetry Review, The Best American Poetry, The New Republic, Tin House, New England Review , and elsewhere. Stone has a PhD in Cultural Anthropology from Columbia University, an MPhil in Middle East Studies from Oxford, and an MFA in Poetry from Warren Wilson College. She teaches at Princeton University and her ethnography in progress, Human Technology and American War , is a finalist for the University of California Press Atelier Series.