The third installation of our TMOMs Staff Picks Interview Series is finally here! Get to know the TMOMs crew with weird & wacky, rapid & random questions—featuring a new staff member every month!
Name: Serena
TMOMs Title: T0ilet Queen
Pronouns: She/her
Q: Favorite movie of all time?
A: The old cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland.
Q: You win the lottery and decide to give half your winnings to charity. What organization or cause are you donating towards?
A: I would probably donate to PAWS.
Q: Is a taco a sandwich?
A: Nah, man, just let a taco be a taco.
Q: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
A: Probably bees ‘cause I’d survive, but actually I’d choose the bear, #savethebees
Q: What’s in your pocket right now?
A: Phone, wallet, lighter, keys to Tattooed Mom.
Portrait by Elijah Snyder-Vidmar. Keep up with this new series on the Tattooed Mom blog.